Gopal Maheshwari

The Link Between Past Lives and causes of fertility:
A Look at Conception Issues

Healing Fertility Issues through Past Life Regression


Understanding the link between past lives and fertility is a topic that has gained significant attention in recent years. Many people believe that our past lives can have a profound impact on our present life experiences, including our ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy. By exploring the concept of past lives and how they can affect fertility, during an Online past life regression session, individuals struggling with infertility issues may find new insights and potential solutions to their challenges.

Understanding the concept of past lives and its impact on fertility

Past lives refer to the belief that we have lived multiple lives before our current one. This concept is rooted in various spiritual and religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and certain New Age beliefs. According to this belief, our past lives can influence our present life experiences, including our fertility.

Past life experiences can impact our present life in various ways. For example, unresolved issues, curses, soul agreement or traumas from past lives can carry over into our current life, affecting our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. These unresolved issues can manifest as reproductive problems in males or females, making it difficult for individuals to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term.

How past life experiences can affect conception and pregnancy

There are several examples of past life experiences that can impact fertility. For instance, if an individual experienced a traumatic childbirth or pregnancy in a past life, they may carry subconscious fears or anxieties about pregnancy and childbirth in their current life. Unknowingly, Subconscious mind triggers same fear at the back of the mind in current life.  These fears can create emotional and energetic blocks that hinder conception, cause complications during pregnancy or create problems getting pregnant.

Nurturing Natural Conception: Past Life Heals Fertility Issues

Additionally, past life trauma can manifest in physical symptoms that affect fertility. For example, if an individual experienced a past life where they were unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, they may carry physical imprints or energetic imbalances that make it challenging for them to conceive in their current life.

The role of karma in fertility issues: infertility problem in female

Karma is another concept that is closely tied to the belief in past lives. Karma refers to the law of cause and effect, where our actions in past lives determine our current circumstances. In the context of fertility, karma can play a role in determining an individual’s ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy.

Karma can affect fertility in various ways. For example, if an individual had negative experiences or actions related to fertility in a past life, they may be experiencing karmic consequences in their current life. This could manifest as fertility issues or challenges in conceiving.

Furthermore, any Curse or the concept of karmic debt can also impact fertility. Karmic debt refers to the idea that we have unfinished business or unresolved issues from past lives that we need to address in our current life. If an individual has curse or karmic debt related to fertility, they may experience difficulties conceiving until they resolve past life issues.

Exploring the connection between past life trauma and infertility

Past life trauma can be a significant factor in infertility. Traumatic experiences from past lives can create energetic imbalances or emotional blocks that hinder conception and pregnancy in the present life.

For example, if an individual experienced a past life where they suffered a miscarriage or lost a child, or murdered during pregnancy, they may carry deep emotional wounds and fears related to pregnancy and childbirth. These unresolved traumas can create subconscious barriers that prevent them from conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term, this is the power of your subconscious mind.

Other examples of past life traumas that can affect fertility include experiences of infertility or reproductive issues in past lives, traumatic childbirth experiences, or unresolved grief and loss related to children, or abandoning the kids in previous life.

Empowering Parenthood: Healing Fertility issues Through Online Regression

The benefits of past life regression therapy for fertility treatment

Past life regression therapy with Gopal Maheshwari, (one of the best past life regression therapist), helps individuals explore their past lives and heal unresolved issues that may be impacting their fertility in an Online Past Life Regression Session. This therapy involves guiding individuals into a relaxed state where they can access memories and experiences from past lives.

By undergoing regression therapy, individuals can gain insights into the root causes of their fertility issues and work through any unresolved traumas or emotional blocks. This therapy can help release energetic imbalances, heal emotional wounds, helps forgiving at soul level and create a more fertile and balanced state.

Case studies of women who have overcome fertility issues through past life healing

Real-life examples of women who have successfully addressed past life issues to improve fertility can provide inspiration and hope for others facing similar challenges.

One such case study involves a woman who had been struggling with infertility for several years. Through past life regression therapy, she discovered that she had experienced multiple miscarriages in a past life and had unresolved grief and trauma related to those losses. After working through these past life issues, she was able to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.

Another case study involves a woman who had a deep fear of childbirth and had been unable to conceive for several years. Through regression hypnotherapy, she discovered that she had experienced a traumatic childbirth in a past life, which had created subconscious fears and anxieties in her current life. After addressing these past life traumas, she was able to overcome her fear of childbirth and conceive naturally.

The spiritual and emotional aspects of fertility struggles

Fertility struggles can have a significant impact on an individual’s spiritual and emotional well-being. The desire to have a child is deeply rooted in conscious and subconscious mind, and when that desire is unfulfilled, it can lead to feelings of sadness, frustration, and even shame.

Furthermore, fertility struggles can challenge one’s beliefs about themselves and their place in the world. It can lead to questioning one’s worthiness or feeling like a failure. These emotional and spiritual aspects of fertility struggles need to be addressed alongside the physical aspects in order to achieve holistic healing.

The importance of addressing past life issues in fertility treatment

Addressing past life issues is crucial in fertility treatment because these issues can be a root cause of fertility challenges. Traditional fertility treatments often focus solely on the physical aspects of infertility, such as hormonal imbalances or structural issues. However, by neglecting the power of subconscious mind, spiritual and emotional aspects, individuals may not experience the full healing and resolution they need to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.

By addressing past life issues in conjunction with traditional fertility treatments, individuals can create a more balanced and fertile state. This holistic approach can lead to improved outcomes and a deeper sense of healing and well-being.

How to identify and heal past life traumas affecting fertility

Mr. Gopal Maheshwari, Past Life Regression Trainer cum Healer, recognised by IAOTH, Uk, helps identifying and healing past life traumas affecting fertility. It requires a combination of self-reflection, inner work, and potentially seeking the guidance from Gopal.

Healing past life traumas can be done through various techniques, such as past life regression therapy, energy healing at soul level, meditation, and journaling. It’s crucial to be open-minded and willing to explore and let go of any lingering emotions or imbalances with the help of Gopal’s guidance.

Integrating past life healing into traditional fertility treatments for better results

Integrating past life healing into traditional fertility treatments can enhance the effectiveness of these treatments and improve outcomes. By addressing the spiritual and emotional aspects of fertility struggles, individuals can create a more fertile and balanced state, increasing their chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy.

There have been numerous success stories of women who have combined past life healing with traditional fertility treatments. These women have reported improved fertility outcomes, reduced stress levels, and a greater sense of empowerment and well-being throughout their fertility journey.


Understanding the link between past lives and fertility is an important aspect of fertility treatment. By exploring the concept of past lives in an online session with Gopal, understand how they can impact fertility, individuals struggling with infertility can gain new insights and potential solutions to their challenges.

Addressing past life issues through techniques such as past life regression therapy can help individuals heal unresolved traumas, release energetic imbalances, and create a more fertile and balanced state. By integrating past life healing into traditional fertility treatments, individuals can enhance their chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy while also experiencing a deeper sense of healing and well-being.

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 Exploring Past Lives:

Real-Life Case Studies from Gopal Maheshwari’s Regression Sessions

Conception Issues (causes of fertility): The Power of Subconscious & Past Life Regression

By Riya & Roshan, Rishikesh

My wife, Riya, and I were facing difficult problems that stopped us from having children near Rishikesh. We felt really sad and frustrated, wanting to experience the joy of parenthood. We decided to find a solution and started looking for answers.

During this tough time, we discovered past life regression therapy, which can bring big changes. We tried it online with the help of Gopal Maheshwari. It was scary but exciting.

With Gopal’s guidance, we explored our past lives through Online Past Life Regression and went through a rollercoaster of emotions like fear, sadness, and joy. We faced old fears and traumas that were holding us back from having a baby.

As we uncovered our past lives, we let go of emotional baggage that had been weighing us down for too long. It was a healing experience, filled with tears and relief, as we released the things stopping us from fulfilling our dreams. It wasn’t easy, but we became stronger as Gopal guided us through preparatory sessions and we became more courageous with each step.

The “Life between Lives Regression” session was enlightening, helping us understand life’s lessons and realizing that our struggles had a purpose. We connected with our guides, understood soul’s purpose, found our soul family, got guidance from Higher ones, understood that our journey to becoming parents was linked to our personal growth.

Armed with new wisdom, we emerged from our past lives with determination and grace. We felt empowered, like rising from the ashes. The despair of infertility started to fade, replaced by a growing hope.

Miraculously, within six months, our infertility struggles ended, and we felt immense relief, joy, and gratitude. Life felt beautiful, woven with forgiveness, healing, and spiritual awakening.

Gopal’s unwavering support was our anchor throughout this journey, guiding us through our emotions. His wisdom and compassion helped us navigate forgiveness and self-discovery. We found comfort in knowing we weren’t alone in seeking happiness and fulfillment.

Looking back, online past life regression therapy with Gopal played a crucial role in transforming our lives. It touched our souls and helped us connect with our deepest desires, turning them into reality. It was a challenging journey that tested our strength but rewarded us with the ultimate gift – becoming parents.

Our transformative experience with online past life regression therapy, guided by Gopal Maheshwari, brought healing and self-discovery to our lives. It helped us understand the connections between our past lives, mental blocks, and our desires. We highly recommend Gopal’s services to anyone seeking deep healing, personal growth, and overcoming obstacles on their path to happiness and parenthood. May the power of past life regression therapy bring light and hope to all who embark on this amazing journey.

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