Gopal Maheshwari

Forgive at Soul Level:
Using Past Life Regression to Release Hatred for a Specific Person


Healing emotional wounds is a crucial aspect of personal growth and well-being. These wounds can stem from various sources, such as childhood trauma, past relationships, or even past lives. While traditional therapy can be effective in addressing these wounds, some individuals turn to alternative methods, such as past life regression therapy, to gain a deeper understanding of their emotional struggles and find healing

Past life regression therapy is a technique that allows individuals to access memories and experiences from past lives, with the goal of healing emotional wounds and finding resolution in the present by releasing negative energies and trapped emotions from previous life, by forgiving or seeking forgiveness at subconscious level.

Understanding the Concept of Past Life Regression from an Expert: Gopal Maheshwari

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique that involves accessing memories and experiences from past lives through Transpersonal Hypnotherapy from our Subconscious Mind. The premise behind past life regression is the belief in reincarnation, the idea that the soul is eternal and has lived multiple lives in different bodies. During an online past life regression session, Gopal guides the individual into a relaxed state and helps them access memories and experiences from their past lives. Its absolutely safe and reliable.

Contrary to popular belief, past life regression is not about proving the existence of past lives or providing concrete evidence of reincarnation. Instead, it is a tool for self-exploration and healing. The memories and experiences accessed during past life regression are seen as symbolic representations of the individual’s subconscious mind, which can provide valuable insights into their current emotional struggles and patterns.

How Past Life Regression Can Help Heal Emotional Wounds And Make You Forgive Someone

Past life regression therapy can be a powerful tool for healing emotional wounds. By accessing memories and experiences from past lives, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of their emotional struggles and find resolution in the present by forgiving others at Soul Level. For example, someone who has a fear of water in their current life may discover through past life regression that they drowned in a previous life, leading to their fear.

By exploring these past life memories and experiences, individuals can release negative emotions associated with them. This release can be cathartic and provide a sense of closure and healing. Past life regression therapy can also help individuals identify and break patterns that have been carried over from past lives, allowing them to make positive changes in their current life.

How past life experiences can affect conception and pregnancy

There are several examples of past life experiences that can impact fertility. For instance, if an individual experienced a traumatic childbirth or pregnancy in a past life, they may carry subconscious fears or anxieties about pregnancy and childbirth in their current life. 

Unknowingly, Subconscious mind triggers same fear at the back of the mind in current life.  These fears can create emotional and energetic blocks that hinder conception, cause complications during pregnancy or create problems getting pregnant.

The scientific basis for past life regression therapy lies in the understanding of the power of the subconscious mind and its influence on emotions and behaviors. The memories and experiences accessed during past life regression are believed to be stored in the subconscious mind, and by accessing these memories, individuals can gain insights into their current emotional struggles and find healing.

The Benefits of Forgiving and Releasing Hatred for a Specific Person

Holding onto hatred towards a specific person can have detrimental effects on mental and physical health. Hatred is a negative emotion that can consume individuals and lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical ailments. By releasing hatred through past life regression therapy, individuals can experience a sense of relief and freedom from the burden of negative emotions.

Past life regression therapy can help individuals understand the root causes of their hatred towards a specific person. They may discover that the hatred stems from a past life experience where they were wronged or harmed by that person. Gopal helps exploring these past life memories and experiences in an online session, where individuals can gain a new perspective and find forgiveness, which is crucial for healing emotional wounds. Forgiveness is done at soul level, one understands the basic reason, why we have to forgive or seek forgiveness.

The Role of Forgiveness in the Healing Process

Forgiveness plays a vital role in the healing process. Holding onto grudges and resentment can keep individuals stuck in a cycle of pain and prevent them from moving forward. Forgiveness is not about condoning or forgetting the actions of others, but rather about releasing the negative emotions associated with those actions and finding inner peace.

Past life regression therapy can help facilitate forgiveness by providing individuals with a deeper understanding of the circumstances and dynamics that led to their emotional wounds. By exploring past life memories and experiences in an online past life regression session with Gopal, individuals can gain empathy and compassion for themselves and others, which can pave the way for forgiveness.

Empowering Parenthood: Healing Fertility issues Through Online Regression
The Importance of Finding a Qualified Past Life Regression Therapist

When seeking past life regression therapy, it is crucial to find a qualified therapist, who might not be in your vicinity, it is important to find the best past life regression therapist, who has the necessary training and experience to conduct PLR Online. 

It is a no-touch therapy, so it really doesn’t matter whether you are sitting a feet away or 100 miles away, Past life regression therapy involves accessing deep levels of the subconscious mind, and it is essential to work with a therapist who can create a safe and supportive environment even in an online session.


Read more about Gopal Maheshwari, one of the finest past life regression therapist in India

What to Expect During a Past Life Regression Session

During a past life regression session, individuals can expect to be guided into a relaxed state  with our latest techniques involving, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy & Deep Relaxation techniques. Gopal then helps the individual access memories and experiences from past lives. It is important to note that not everyone will have vivid or detailed past life memories during their session. Some individuals may experience sensations, emotions, or symbolic images instead.

Common experiences during a past life regression session include feeling a sense of detachment from the present, experiencing vivid emotions or physical sensations, and gaining insights or understanding about current life issues. It is important to approach these experiences with an open mind and without judgment, as they are unique to each individual.

Techniques for Letting Go of Negative Emotions and Seeking Forgiveness Or Forgive Someone At Subconscious Level

In addition to past life regression therapy, there are various techniques that individuals can use to let go of negative emotions and promote healing. These techniques can be integrated into daily life and can help individuals maintain emotional well-being.

One technique is Heartfulness Meditation, which prescribes meditating on the Heart. It is absolutely free and it is followed by millions throughout the globe. This practice can help individuals become more aware of their negative emotions and develop a sense of detachment from them.

Another technique is journaling, which involves writing down thoughts and emotions as a way to process and release them. Writing can be a cathartic and therapeutic practice that allows individuals to gain clarity and insight into their emotions.

Self-hypnosis audio can help us let go of hatred from within. It’s like a special kind of relaxation that works on our mind. The audio talks to our subconscious and makes it open to positive changes. With repeated affirmations and calming words, it breaks down the walls of negative feelings. As we keep listening, we become more compassionate and understanding. This helps us release the anger and resentment we’ve been holding onto. Self-hypnosis audio is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, helping us find peace and harmony within ourselves. Give it a try and see the positive changes it can bring! You may find free MP3 audio for self hypnosis on our website: in freebies menu.


Healing emotional wounds is a crucial aspect of personal growth and well-being. Past life regression therapy can be a powerful tool for accessing and healing these wounds. By exploring memories and experiences from past lives, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their emotional struggles and find resolution in the present. It is important to approach past life regression therapy with an open mind and work with a qualified therapist who can provide a safe and supportive environment. If you are struggling with emotional wounds, consider seeking out past life regression therapy as a means of finding healing and personal growth.

 You may connect with us at WhatsApp: +91 9282125121

Exploring Past Lives:
Real-Life Case Studies from Gopal Maheshwari’s Regression Sessions
By Gopal Maheshwari, Past Life Regression Trainer

Title: Embracing Unconditional Love: Healing Hatred for a specific person through Past Life Regression

Client Name: Rhea

Background: Rhea, a 32-year-old woman, had been grappling with deep-seated feelings of hatred and resentment towards her father. These emotions had caused significant emotional distress and strained their relationship. Seeking a resolution and a deeper understanding of their dynamics, Rhea decided to explore online past life regression therapy facilitated by a skilled practitioner.

Case Study: Rhea’s journey with online past life regression therapy proved to be a transformative experience in her healing process. Through the sessions, she sought to uncover the root causes of her intense hatred for her father and find a pathway towards forgiveness and unconditional love.

Past Life Regression Sessions: In the safety and comfort of the online therapy sessions, Rhea embarked on a profound exploration of her past lives, guided by the skilled practitioner. Through deep relaxation and visualization techniques, she accessed memories from previous lifetimes that held significant clues to her present feelings.

During one regression session, Rhea found herself in a past life as a young man named Arjun. Arjun had experienced a tumultuous relationship with his father, filled with betrayal, emotional abuse, and abandonment. These unresolved emotions and painful experiences had carried over into Rhea’s current life, manifesting as deep-seated hatred for her father.

Uncovering the Lessons and Purpose: As Rhea delved deeper into the past life experiences, she began to understand the lessons and purpose behind her intense emotions. She realized that her soul had chosen this life to work through the karmic patterns and heal the wounds associated with her father. The intense hatred and resentment were a part of this soul contract, offering her an opportunity for growth, forgiveness, and unconditional love.

Through the guidance of the practitioner, Rhea gained insights into the dynamics between her and her father, recognizing that their souls had chosen to play these roles in each other’s lives for mutual soul evolution. This newfound understanding helped her shift her perspective from anger and hatred to empathy and compassion.

Transformation and Healing: As Rhea continued her online past life regression therapy, she worked on releasing the deep-seated hatred and resentment she had carried for her father. She engaged in forgiveness exercises and inner healing techniques that allowed her to let go of the emotional burden and embrace unconditional love.

Over time, Rhea noticed a significant transformation within herself and her relationship with her father. As she released the negative emotions and embraced a more compassionate perspective, their interactions became more harmonious and understanding. The healing process not only impacted her relationship with her father but also brought a profound sense of inner peace and personal growth.

Conclusion: Rhea’s case study showcases the power of online past life regression therapy in healing deep-seated emotions and transforming relationships. Through the exploration of past lives, Rhea gained valuable insights into the root causes of her intense hatred for her father and discovered the lessons and purpose behind their challenging dynamics. With the guidance of the skilled practitioner, she embarked on a journey of forgiveness, empathy, and unconditional love. The transformational healing process not only improved her relationship with her father but also brought about personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper understanding of her soul’s journey. Rhea’s case highlights the potential of online past life regression therapy as a powerful modality for healing emotional wounds, fostering personal growth, and embracing unconditional love.