Gopal Maheshwari

Enroll in Comprehensive Past Life Regression Course Online

Attention:  Are you ready to enhance your Therapeutic/ Healing career by working with the Subconscious mind in Past Life Regression Training

Learn latest regression techniques which No Past Life Regression Therapist wants you to know

Mode of Training: Past Life Regression Course

Recorded Classes

PRE-RECORDED VERSION OF THE LEVEL 1 TRAINING contains the level 1 course material in video, audio and PDF

Online Live Classes at Zoom

Experience Online Live Classes on Zoom with Mr. Gopal Maheshwari, and Attain International Certification in Past Life Regression. Benefit from Dedicated Support and Doubt Clearing Classes for an Extended Period of 4 Months. Engage in PLR Session Exchanges with Peers in the Course (Online).

Face to Face Classes

at our premises near Hyderabad for The AfterLife Regression & Future Life Progression

Benefits of Online Past Life Regression Course by Gopal Maheshwari

Ten Important Tips

Gopal Maheshwari, a certified Past Life Regression Trainer by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), exemplifies dedication in the Past Life Regression Course world. His affiliation with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) ensures the Past Life Regression Training remains top-notch. These endorsements reinforce his commitment to unparalleled regression hypnotherapy training standards.

In the digital age, an Online Past Life Regression Course is common. Ensure your trainer showcases expertise in online past life regression certification courses. Experience a session with them. This helps evaluate their capability in this Past Life Regression Certification Online format. A proficient trainer offers convenience and showcases that distance doesn’t hinder the quality of the Past Life Regression Therapy Online Certification Course.

Your Past Life Regression Course should go beyond just past lives. It should delve into afterlife regression, emphasizing soul journeys and spiritual lessons. This holistic approach in past life regression hypnotherapy training ensures trainees grasp the vast dimensions of spirituality and life’s purposes.

  • Devotion to Sahaj Marg/Heartfulness Tradition: It is crucial to check the spiritual background of your trainer. Mr. Gopal Maheshwari, has been devoted to the Sahaj Marg tradition of Rajayoga Meditation System, now known as Heartfulness, for the past two decades. This foundation in spirituality brings depth and understanding to his practice as a trainer.
  • Recognition as a Heartfulness Trainer: Mr. Maheshwari has received recognition as a Heartfulness Trainer at the Himalayan Ashram (Satkhol, Uttarakhand), under the guidance & blessings of his Revered Master, Sh. Kamlesh D Patel, affectionately known as Daaji, which aligns with the spiritual nature of Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Regression Sessions.
  • Conducting Spiritual Sessions: Mr. Maheshwari conducts both online and face-to-face Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions at his private office within the premises of Kanha Shantivanam Ashram. This highly energized location near Hyderabad serves as a conducive environment for spiritual practices, enhancing the quality of the sessions and the overall experience for clients.

Past Life Regression is beyond therapy and certification. It’s a spiritual journey requiring an understanding of karma and metaphysics. By having a certified Past Life Regression Trainer who comprehends these spiritual elements, you get a more enlightened perspective on Past Life Regression Therapy.

  • Commitment to Reasonable Costs: In recognition of the increasing need for therapists by the year 2025, we are committed to imparting training at a very reasonable cost. Our aim is to make training accessible and affordable for aspiring therapists.
  • Competitive Pricing: True to our commitment, we charge one-third of the fees imposed by other well-known trainers in the country. We understand the importance of ensuring that training remains affordable without compromising on quality.
  • Serving Humanity: Our primary goal is to serve humanity by equipping individuals with the necessary skills to become therapists. By offering training at an affordable cost, we aim to ensure that there are an ample number of therapists available to meet the growing needs of the world.
  • Direct Inquiries through Phone Calls: Beyond relying solely on videos, consider checking Google reviews and student testimonials. We provide the opportunity to directly inquire about experiences through phone calls. By requesting testimonials over a call, you can gauge the confidence of students and assess if they have successfully conducted PLR sessions via Zoom.
  • Reviews and Testimonials as Evidence: We can assure you that we have reviews and testimonials from our students, serving as evidence of our credibility and effectiveness. These testimonials reflect the positive impact of our training on their journey.
  • Conference Calls with Former Students: For additional reassurance, we can arrange conference calls with our former students who have successfully established themselves as past life regression therapists. This allows you to directly hear their experiences and gain further assurance about the quality of our training.

By considering the experiences shared through reviews, testimonials, and direct conversations with former students, you can make an informed assessment of the effectiveness and credibility of your trainer.

  • Genuine Subscriber Count: When examining your trainer’s Instagram and YouTube profiles, be aware that some trainers artificially inflate their subscriber count by purchasing thousands of subscribers. However, the lack of genuine engagement, such as likes on their videos, may be indicative of a lack of authentic audience.
  • Content Observation: Always observe the content on their YouTube and Instagram channels. Look for additional information provided aside from their own advertisements. Genuine trainers often share valuable content, insights, or educational resources related to their field of expertise.
  • Authenticity and Transparency: Pay attention to whether the trainer maintains authenticity and transparency in their social media presence. Genuine trainers focus on providing valuable information and connecting with their audience rather than relying solely on self-promotion.
  • Assessing Credibility: By thoroughly examining the trainer’s social media profiles, you can gather insights into their credibility, professionalism, and commitment to sharing authentic knowledge and experiences.
  • Generosity towards the Community: Look for mentors who go beyond monetary matters and self-promotion. Evaluate if they offer freebies like meditation classes aimed at uplifting the community or create free guided meditation videos to help people cope with anxiety and stress.
  • Heartfulness’s Commitment to Free Meditation Sessions: At Heartfulness, guided by our Masters, we have been conducting free meditation sessions for thousands of people since 2016. We believe in the power of offering meditation sessions without any cost.
  • Hypnotherapists Providing Free Guided Meditation: As professional hypnotherapists, we have provided numerous free guided meditation and relaxation sessions on our YouTube channel. These sessions are completely free of charge and are designed to assist individuals in dealing with the stresses of everyday life.
  • Making PLR Therapy Accessible: We offer discounts to clients who may not have the means to afford expensive past life regression (PLR) sessions. Our belief is to make our services accessible to those in need, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from PLR therapy.
  •  Direct Contact with Your Trainer: Consider whether your therapist is available for contact through WhatsApp or phone calls upon request. Having direct access to your trainer ensures personalized guidance and support after the training.
  • Prioritizing Accessibility and Open Communication: We prioritize accessibility and maintain open communication channels with our students. We provide our personal WhatsApp number, allowing them to reach out in case of emergencies or any necessary assistance.


that within just 2 months of taking Past Life Regression Training, you can recover your Return on Investment (ROI) and unlock the potential to utilize your healing techniques and psychological therapy in a way that surpasses your current abilities? Discover a transformative opportunity to enhance your skills and achieve greater success in your healing career. Don’t miss out!

Past Life Regression Training Cost

Who This Past Life Regression Training is for

Anyone can learn Past Life Regression. It is open to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their background or profession. Whether you are a therapist, healer, or simply curious about exploring past lives, Past Life Regression can be learned and practiced by anyone with an interest in the subject.

Gopal Maheshwari_Best Past Life Regression Therapist
🔹 Your instructor, Gopal Maheshwari is a Certified Trainer from International Association of The rapists (IAOTH) in the United Kingdom.

🔹 Curriculum is affiliated with IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), UK. With extensive experience and hundreds of successful sessions, he is a renowned authority in the field of past life regression.

Embarking on Timeless Journeys: Gopal Maheshwari’s Unique Path

Meet Gopal Maheshwari, a prominent figure in India’s landscape of Past Life Regression Training. With an unblemished track record in exploring past lives, Gopal has honed his skills in conducting highly successful online past life regression sessions. Moreover, he extends his expertise by guiding individuals through an immersive and enlightening Past Life Regression Course Online, a pivotal step for those aspiring to achieve certification and mastery in this field.

With more than two decades of dedicated practice within the Heartfulness system of Rajayoga Meditation, Gopal Maheshwari has been a Heartfulness Trainer, his benevolent spirit shines as he generously offers free meditation sessions nationwide, empowering seekers to connect with their inner peace and achieve a state of harmony.

Among the distinguished offerings under the banner of M/s. Heartnest, under the adept guidance of Mr. Gopal, is the coveted IAOTH, UK certified course focused on Past Life Regression, Akashic Records & The Afterlife Regression. This comprehensive training, adaptable for both individual and group settings online, not only facilitates profound personal transformation but also ensures participants a guaranteed income upon completion.

Gopal Maheshwari’s spiritual journey took an intriguing turn when he crossed paths with his Master, Shri. Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari, in the year 2001. By harnessing the potency of Heartfulness Meditation, aided by pranahuti and potent cleansing techniques provided generously and free of charge to seekers globally, Gopal embarked on a journey of consciousness expansion through deep meditation. This heightened awareness propelled him to delve into his past lives during a transformative past life regression session, inspired by the teachings of Dr. Brian Weiss in “Many Masters Many Lives.” This experience ignited an unwavering desire to help others using these distinctive methodologies.

Driven by the groundbreaking works of Dr. Brian Weiss and Dr. Michael Newton, Gopal seamlessly transitioned into a skilled Past Life Regression Practitioner. Over time, he assumed the role of an instructor, sharing his wisdom with numerous individuals. To ensure the continual refinement of his techniques, Gopal actively participates in annual upgrades and training sessions, both in India and abroad. This unwavering commitment guarantees the delivery of past life regression training employing the latest global methodologies.

Influenced by his Grand Masters Sh. Parthasarathy Rajagopalachari and his Living Master Sh. Kamlesh Patel (lovingly known as Daaji), he dedicates himself to sharing the transformative power of meditation and cleansing techniques offered by Heartfulness, absolutely free of cost across the globe.

Gopal currently resides at Kanha Shantivanam, near Hyderabad, home to the world’s largest meditation hall. This spiritually enriched environment not only aids him in pursuing his spiritual goals through regular group meditation but also allows him to impart spiritual knowledge to seekers and students visiting for spiritual retreats, absolutely free of cost.

Recognizing the pivotal role of inclusivity, Gopal Maheshwari extends the opportunity to embark on the Past Life Regression Course in Hindi. This significant initiative ensures that learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds can access the invaluable insights and teachings imparted by this accomplished mentor. This initiative underscores Gopal’s commitment to making transformative knowledge accessible to all who seek it.

In a world where individuals often serve as beacons of guidance and sources of profound transformation, Gopal Maheshwari, aptly recognized as the Best Past Life Regression Therapist in India, stands as a guiding light. His contributions in the realm of Past Life Regression Therapy and Training have transcended geographical boundaries, shaping lives and leading individuals on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and healing. Through the medium of online platforms, he facilitates connection and growth, touching souls across the globe.

Gopal Maheshwari is an Past Life Regression Trainer, accredited by International Association Of Therapists , UK
Gopal Maheshwari_Best Past Life Regression Therapist certified by IPHM,UK
Gopal Maheshwari_ Past Life Regression Trainer, accredited by International Association Of Therapists , UK_Badge

Past Life Regression Training - Online Certification Course

Past Life Regression Training and Certification is a specialized program designed to teach individuals the techniques and skills necessary to conduct past life regression therapy sessions. 

This training typically includes practical hands-on experience in conducting regression sessions online and face to face as well as theories and principles of past life regression.

Past Life Regression Course usually involves completing a certain number of supervised regression sessions and demonstrating proficiency in the techniques and skills learned during the training. 

Once certified, individuals can offer professional past life regression therapy as a service to clients seeking to explore their past lives and gain insight into their current life experiences.

Join Past Life Regression Course in Mumbai: Enhance Spiritual Awareness
Enroll in Past Life Regression Course in Delhi: Uncover Soul's Journey

This training can be beneficial for individuals interested in pursuing a career in alternative healing or for those seeking personal growth and development.

Generally Past life regression course fees vary depending on the location & duration. Since, we are conducting past life regression course online, we try to offer it in very reasonable price.

Our primary goal is to serve humanity by equipping individuals with the necessary skills to become therapists. 

By offering training at an affordable cost, we aim to ensure that there are an ample number of therapists available to meet the growing needs of the world. 

Learn past life regression, with India’s best past life regression therapist Mr. Gopal Maheshwari, who is a highly skilled and experienced past life regression therapist who has helped numerous individuals uncover their past lives and gain a deeper understanding of their current life situations. 

With years of experience in past life regression hypnotherapy training, Gopal has developed a unique approach to past life regression that combines traditional techniques from ancient Indian literature by Sage Patanjali, where he was taught Yoganidra and Prati Prasav, and he has also taken a modern diploma in Past Life Regression and Afterlife Regression, which is also called Life Between Lives Regression in the West. 

He is fascinated by the works of Dr. Brian Weiss, especially his best seller “Many Lives, Many Masters,” and Dr. Michael Newton, and has read all their works, finding inspiration in them.

Enhance Your Skills with Online Past Life Regression Training
Deep Discussions during Past Life Regression Training

His gentle and compassionate approach helps clients feel comfortable and safe as they explore their past lives online, allowing them to release old patterns and beliefs that may be holding them back in their current life. 

Gopal’s expertise in the field has earned him a reputation as one of the best past life regression therapists & trainer in the industry, and his clients consistently report feeling more empowered, enlightened, and fulfilled after working with him.

 Hypnosis past life regression training is a specialized form of hypnotherapy that involves guiding clients through a hypnotic state to access memories of their past lives. 

This type of therapy is based on the belief that our souls have lived multiple lives and that these past experiences can have an impact on our current life. 

During past life regression training, students learn how to induce a hypnotic state, how to guide clients through past life regression, and how to interpret the memories that clients recall. 

They also learn about the ethical considerations involved in this type of therapy and how to ensure that clients are safe throughout the process.

Regression hypnotherapy training is typically offered by certified and experienced Past life Regression Trainer who have developed their own training programs, and should be certified by some reputed institute. 

Graduates of these programs may go on to work as past life regression therapists or incorporate this technique into their existing hypnotherapy practice.

Master Practical Techniques in Past Life Regression Training
Expert Guidance in Past Life Regression Online Training

The Past Life Regression Course is a comprehensive program that has been thoughtfully designed to assist individuals or healers in exploring their past lives and gaining a deeper understanding of their present life. 

This Online Past Life Regression Course incorporates a variety of techniques, including Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Age & Womb Regression, Inner Child Healing, Past Life Healing, Releasing Negative Emotions & Energy, Short Afterlife Spiritual Regression, and more.

The past life regression course online typically covers a wide range of topics, including the initial contact with the client, dispelling myths and clarifying facts during the first call, pre-session preparation, intake forms, Indian history and theory of past life regression, techniques for inducing regression, the healing benefits of past life regression, conducting successful online sessions, interpreting regression experiences, PLR session exchange with batchmates, practical sessions on friends & relatives with defined protocols and much more.

Students will learn how to prepare themselves and their clients for regression sessions, guide clients through the regression process, and help them integrate their regression experiences into their present lives. 

The course may also delve into related topics such as karmasoul contractsTwin Flame Reality, Soul FamilySoul agreementsRelease Curses and promises at soul level, and spiritual growth. 

By enrolling in a past life regression course online, individuals can acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become certified past life regression practitioners or simply deepen their personal understanding of their own past lives.

The course on past life regression and hypnotherapy training for therapists provides a comprehensive 75-hour training program that includes both live classes and pre-recorded modules. The course also comes with an online manual that is regularly updated to ensure that students have access to the latest information.

Comprehensive Curriculum for Past Life Regression Online Training
Obtain Past Life Regression Certification Online

If you enroll in our past life regression certification course online, you can obtain an International Certification from IAOTH, UK (The International Association of Therapists). This certification will validate your expertise in the field and enhance your professional credentials.

This certification holds global recognition, granting you eligibility to work anywhere in the world. Upon completion of the PLR course, you will also receive a 12-month membership with the esteemed International Association of Therapists, UK. This membership offers access to a vast network of professionals in the field, keeping you informed of the latest developments in past life regression therapy. Additionally, you will be listed in the International Association of Therapists, UK Online Directory, making it easier for potential clients to find you. 

Overall, enrolling in an online past life regression course can significantly enhance your skills as a therapist and broaden your professional horizons. 

Apart from the aforementioned benefits, the training program also presents a unique opportunity for participants to engage in a “Past Life Regression session exchange” with their fellow batchmates to gain confidence in the process. This facilitates the sharing of experiences and insights, as well as the chance to learn from one another. 

The program is available in both English and Hindi, making it accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, the training is 100% experiential, ensuring that participants are actively engaged in hands-on learning activities throughout the program. This approach guarantees that participants not only acquire knowledge but also develop practical skills that they can apply in their personal and professional lives. 

All in all, this training program is an excellent choice for anyone seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge in a supportive and engaging environment.

Accredited Past Life Regression Training: Earn Your Certification from IAOTH, UK

Attention:  Are you ready to enhance your Therapeutic/ Healing career with Past Life Regression Training

Our Accomplishments



Therapists Trained Through Live Workshop



Past Life Regression & Life Between Lives Regression Sessions Completed Successfully


Hundreds of Satisfied Students & Clients with Our 4.6- Star Rating!

Latest Testimonials From Our Existing Students_2023

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Dhanyaa Varma

Past Life Regression Therapist Cum Reiki Master

Native: Thrissur, Kerela
Current Location: Hyderabad
Languages: English, Hindi & Malayalam

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N. Nalini Vasant

Past Life Regression Therapist, Pranic Healer Cum Heartfulness Trainer

Native:Chennai, Tamil Nādu
Current Location: Chennai
Languages: English & Tamil

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Moola Sreenivas

Past Life Regression Therapist, Akashic Session & Entity Clearance

Native: Ammalapuram East Godavari
Current Location: Hyderabad
Languages: English, Hindi & Telugu

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Gabriela Testa

Past Life Regression Therapist & Heartfulness Practitioner

Native: Caracas, Venezuela
Languages:Spanish, English
Current Location: A Coruña, Spain

850+ Reviews across our the Websites & Social Media Accounts For Past Life Regression Training

Free Meditation & Self Hypnosis MP3 By Gopal Maheshwari

Free Relaxation cum Meditation Audio Scripts

Visit our Freebies Menu, to check Free Relaxation cum Meditation Audio Scripts in Hindi & English on Latest Trending Topics like:-

  • Read Your Own Akashic Records
  • Let Go of Hatred for a Particular Person
  • Overcoming Lustful Thoughts and Cultivating Mental Clarity
  • Deep Sleep / Cure Insomnia
  • Chakra Healing & Balancing


Supercharge your client base by 10x without breaking the bank on expensive courses or spending years on further higher studies. Ready to kickstart your career in Occult Science or psychological therapies with Past Life Regression Training? Get started today!

Essential Information for Understanding Past Life Regression Training
Healing through Online Past Life Regression: Gopal Maheshwari

by gaining a deep understanding of past life regression. This transformative technique involves exploring past lives by delving into the subconscious mind. It’s essential to have a solid grasp of the concept and maintain an open mind towards the profound concept of reincarnation.

When clients seek your services, they often look for certifications and reviews as a testament to your expertise. We can guide you in obtaining international certification, which you can proudly showcase on your website and display picture (DP), enhancing your credibility and attracting more clients

Psychological preparation is crucial when it comes to past life regression. This therapy can evoke powerful emotions and memories, making it essential to be mentally and emotionally ready to assist clients through potentially challenging experiences. A comprehensive training program should encompass techniques for managing emotional releases and ensuring the safety and well-being of clients.

Akashic and Past Life Regression techniques can be powerful tools in addressing current life issues. Akashic Records access allows individuals to tap into a collective repository of knowledge and information about their soul’s journey across lifetimes. By exploring past lives through regression, one can gain insights into patterns, traumas, and unresolved issues that may be affecting their present circumstances. This process helps in identifying root causes, releasing emotional blocks, and facilitating healing at a deep level. Understanding the connections between past lives and current challenges provides clarity, personal growth, and the opportunity to make conscious choices for a more fulfilling and balanced life.

If you’ve ever felt cheated in the name of Past Life Regression training, we understand your concern. That’s why we invite you to visit our website, where we provide transparent information about our trainers’ certifications, crucial factors to consider before choosing a trainer, reviews from our satisfied clients, flexible payment options, and most importantly, the option to have a demo session with the trainer. Additionally, you can opt for a paid past life online session with the trainer to ensure you’re making an informed decision and have a positive and authentic experience in your Past Life Regression journey.

If you’ve undergone previous trainings for conducting Akashic or Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions without achieving the desired success, we understand your frustration. At Heartnest, we offer a specialized advanced training program tailored to enhance your skills and address any challenges you may have encountered. Led by Gopal Maheshwari, we provides comprehensive guidance, techniques, and practical insights to help you overcome obstacles and refine your abilities. We firmly believe that with the right guidance and continued learning, you can unlock your potential and successfully conduct fulfilling and transformative Akashic or PLR sessions. Visit our website to explore our advanced training options and elevate your practice to the next level.

Discover the latest techniques and learn how to conduct successful Akashic and Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions over Zoom calls with our specialized training. Our program equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate transformative sessions remotely. Through comprehensive guidance and practical insights, you will gain confidence in conducting Akashic and PLR sessions online, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for your clients. The biggest advantage of conducting PLR sessions online is the global market that opens up to you, eliminating the need to rely solely on clients in your immediate vicinity. Embrace the power of remote sessions and expand your reach today.

🌟 Unlock the Power of Past Life Regression 🌟

🔮 Ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery? Learn past life regression techniques and unlock a world of benefits that will positively impact your life journey! 🌈


🔐 Tailored Learning Experience:


 🎯 Our teaching style is personalized to meet your unique needs and goals.

🎯 Receive continuous guidance and support throughout your learning journey until you become an expert in the subject.

🎯 Explore unique techniques that set us apart, ensuring an enriching and customized experience just for you.

💡 Practical and Hands-On:


🔸 Go beyond theory with our Practical Approach to Akashic & Past Life Regression.

🔸 Learn Powerful Techniques that you can immediately apply in real-life sessions.

🔸 Engage in Exchange Sessions With Your Batchmates to develop the practical skills needed to conduct effective Akashic cum PLR sessions.

Personalized One-on-One Training Class: If you prefer tailored training with an instructor, we provide the option of one-on-one classes, on request. This allows for flexible scheduling and enables you to learn how to integrate your existing healing methods into Past Life Regression.

💫 Register today and embark on your extraordinary journey of self-discovery with us. ✨

Discover the world of Past Life Regression (PLR) training in India, where courses range from a staggering Rs.10,000/- to Rs.1,00,000/-. However, we are dedicated to offering you high-quality training at an exceptionally reasonable cost.

As the demand for therapists continues to rise, our mission is to train a sufficient number of professionals to meet the world’s needs by 2025. In line with our commitment, we charge only one-third of the fees imposed by other renowned trainers in the country. Our primary focus is to serve humanity and ensure an ample supply of therapists before the demand reaches its peak.

Please provide us with your Name, City, Current Profession, and Intention of Learning Past Life Regression via WhatsApp. Once we receive this information, we will promptly send you a detailed prospectus that comprehensively explains everything you need to know.
Upon completion of our course, you will receive a certificate accredited by the International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) in the United Kingdom, which holds a value of $30. To verify this information, you can visit their website at Furthermore, your name will be included in the IAOTH, UK directory. This accreditation allows you to display the IAOTH logo, certificate, and directory link on your website. 


      It’s important to note that you don’t have to limit yourself to trainers in your area. There are many experienced Past Life Regression Trainers and Therapists worldwide, so it’s worth taking the time to find the best one for you. To avoid losing your hard-earned money, it’s crucial to check your trainer’s credentials and ensure they are up to date with the latest techniques. You should also confirm that they are able to conduct past life regression sessions online over platforms like Zoom. One way to assess your trainer’s abilities is to pay for an online session before committing to the full training. If you’re satisfied with the session, you can then enroll in the training and request a reduction in the course fee, for the payment made for the session. This approach allows you to judge your trainer’s skills and authenticity before making a financial commitment.

At our institution, we take pride in offering a USP that sets us apart from other training programs. Our focus is on training our students to conduct Past Life Regression sessions online, which enables them to access clients from all over the world. This is a significant advantage for our students as it allows them to expand their reach and tap into a global market. If you’re interested in learning more about this aspect of our training program, don’t hesitate to Whatsapp Mr. Gopal at +919282125121. He will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision. As someone who is passionate about what we do, I love answering questions like these, especially when they are asked with the right attitude. So go ahead and ask away!

The idea of learning past life regression therapy online may seem unconventional, but it is becoming increasingly popular due to its many advantages. Firstly, the fact that it is a no-touch therapy means that physical proximity between the therapist and client is not necessary. This means that online training can be just as effective as in-person training, as long as the student has access to stable Wi-Fi and headphones. Additionally, online training offers a level of flexibility that in-person training cannot match. Students can learn at their own pace, and from anywhere in the world. This means that they can fit their training around their existing commitments, whether that be work or family responsibilities. Another advantage of online past life regression certification courses is that they are often more affordable than in-person courses. This is because there are no overheads associated with renting a physical space for training, and students do not need to pay for travel or accommodation. In conclusion, while the idea of learning past life regression therapy online may seem unconventional, it is a viable option for those who are unable to attend in-person training. With the right tools and a willingness to learn, students can become highly skilled past life regression therapists and conduct sessions online with ease.

Taking a Past Life Regression course online offers several advantages. We have ample time to teach in an online course. In face-to-face Past Life Regression courses, we have very limited time, usually only 3 or 4 days, to cover everything, regardless of whether students understand or not. But in an online course, we conduct a class and provide recordings for everyone to review and make notes. We allow a period of 3-4 days for the assimilation of such profound spiritual knowledge. During our upcoming class, we will be hosting a session dedicated to clearing any doubts that may have arisen. Following this, we will move on to our next set of practical classes. This way, we take around 30 days to complete the course, giving students confidence by conducting enough sessions on their batchmates, friends, and relatives.